Meditation & Daily Life Practice in Nature
We have a new website : ekuthuleni.org
please go there for retreat info and bookings
See you soon !!!!

Welcome to Ekuthuleni
Set in the foothills of the french Pyrenees in southern France,
Ekuthuleni stands for a clear, warm quality of quietness, of peace.
We offer a diversity of meditation retreats - silent or walking & chanting retreats,(with daily dhamma teachings) and activity retreats which explore bringing meditation into practical life. Twice a year, there are personal retreats with spiritual support " Solitary Retreats Together".
From this spring, there will be a six monthly one week of "Sustainable Living retreat", called REFRESH, with permaculture, Buddhist sutta contemplations, Focusing & Embodied mouvment.
Buddhist teachings are our main reference, especially the Forest tradition of Ajahn Chah. Open Dharma, Jaya Ashmore and Deep Rest are also a major influence though we are inspired by many paths . Rooted as we are in these threads, we delight in participation from all faiths and spiritual leanings. Our retreats are LGBTQI safe.
Retreats are offered in English or in French with translation as needed.

We are a small retreat place and like to keep our ways of living simple & sustainable. This care nourishes connection with each other and with nature.
Integrating inner meditation and living consciously outwardly is what we aspire to. Not easy in this human world though we keep leaning into this reality...
At Ekuthuleni we invite people to offer dana (donations), a heart of generosity to stay open…there’s a direct link between our openness in what we can offer from Ekuthuleni, the openings people can have here and a flow of generosity which keeps it all rolling. Retreatants pay a basic cost to cover food-water-firewood-insurances-running costs : this also books their place on the retreat before arrival. Dana is offered at the end of the stay.
We are an alcohol and intoxicants free place, we keep the 5 buddhist precepts and ask friends and retreatants to do the same during your stay.

Upcoming retreats

1st to 7th febuary & or
7th to 14th feb 2024
More Info & Booking

Or come for A Daily Life Activity retreat!
Resting into daily life, letting the knots unravel.
Ekuthuleni is also open for people to come to stay to join in a schedule of meditation & daily life practice. This includes day to day chores & activities we run to maintain the center as a sustainable & contemplative place. More info on the retreats page

We are offering a weekly guided meditation via Zoom
Every Tuesday at 7.30pm French time...
Invitation link below - please join us if you can!
Meeting ID: 885 573 144

one to one meetings
If you would like support in your practice from
Noon or Sumedha (online), please contact us:

To get weekly reminders about the meditations, fill in the form below :

Sign up for our spring and autumn newsletter :
with dharma sharings, photos, poems, updates and news of retreats.

Wild Forces : "There are beautiful wild forces within us. Let them turn the mills inside and fill sacks, that feed even heaven."
St Francis of Assisi ( trans.D.Landinsky)