Please consider car sharing - better for the environment and for parking. Also, you wouldn’t really want to drive all the way up our hill unless your car is a little ol’ rust bucket like ours...
We have a page on the carshare site 'Togetzer'. There is a page created for each retreat and we will send you the link to that page when you book.
This is a way for retreatants to self organise lift share and coordinate between yourselves and is good for the planet!
- If you are coming by car you can offer a lift and give details of your start point so that others can join you...
- if you are looking for a car share you can find details of lifts offered and sign up
Drivers: please contact us on for directions.
If nothing is available on 'Togetzer', is a UK and French site for ‘covoiturage’ or finding a car share with people you don’t know but who are doing a similar journey. The drivers have to register on the site - safe, reasonable and reliable.