Deep rest meditation
Silence and finely tuned meditation instructions in an atmosphere of welcome help us drop out of our programmed ways of operating. As we fall more in touch with our direct experience, we may be surprised by many things: how busy the mind is, how rich our innate capacities already are, how simple and important to meet what we had avoided, how sweet to touch aliveness beyond ideas.
With guidance from the teacher we practice letting go of what we are not, and allowing what is.
Just as rest allows the cells and mind to renew themselves, so easeful meditation drops us into direct and non-conceptual awareness. There our old habit-energies gradually and naturally lose momentum without the intense drama that occurs when we try to make things happen.
Life beyond ideas leaves room for spacious joy and powerful shifts that make a real difference in our lives.
Participants are encouraged to experiment with lying down and sitting for meditation to find where they feel the most depth. The retreat also includes walking meditation, work meditation, and (optional) connected movement as well as meditative singing. The retreat is held in silence, and we ask for a commitment to stay and to refrain from intoxicants for the whole retreat.
The retreat is appropriate for people at all experience levels or with no meditation experience.
Led by Jaya Ashmore from Open Dharma
28 September to 4th October 2024

Jaya Ashmore:

Each retreat has a reservation fee, covering the very basic costs of the retreat such as food, gas, water. We are a non profit organisation and for all other costs (teachers, travel for teachers, managers and ongoing Ekuthuleni costs) we depend on donations.
The cost of this retreat is:
€310: €190 in advance & €120 on arrival day.
It is this way of participation and generosity that really keeps the Dharma rolling, as in dharma centers all over the world!
Jaya Ashmore (www.opendharma.org) has dedicated her life to spiritual awakening both in her own meditation since 1986 and in helping spark breakthrough and depth for others since 1999 in meditation retreats around the world.
Her unique voice encourages awakened life and draws on deep sensitivity to the living moment, her decades of experience in Tibetan and Theravada Buddhist practice, non-duality (Advaita), yoga, deep ecology, Jin Shin Jyutsu and movement. She has lived most of her adult life in India.
Accommodation will be in tents - please bring your own if you can. The retreat is here at Ekuthuleni - please check out the rest of our site to get a feel where you are coming to! And there are buttons below with more practical info....